DESYERBADOR ACABADO azucar de remolacha Putsch Nerva

Putsch® is a leading supplier of technology in the sugar industry, offering its customers a complete service of design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance and repair of equipment. For sugar companies and refineries, apart from our turnkey delivery projects, we offer equipment such as:

  • Beet reception stations
  • Beet treatment stations
  • Drag water treatment systems
  • Stone treatment systems
  • Root treatment systems
  • Cossette production equipment
  • Juice filtration and purification systems
  • Concentrated juice filtration systems
  • Press, cartridge, bag and self-cleaning filtration systems
  • Manufacture of unloading stations equipped for the transport of beet
  • Sugar lifts
  • Sharpening stations
  • Consumables: blades and milling cutters
  • Engineering, maintenance and repair of our products.

To see the scope of Putsch® as a supplier of technology for sugar manufacturing please click on the following link: